
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Welcome friend !

 I am just like you.  A girl who is always learning. A woman doing what she loves.  A friend and mother. A creative spirit that is expressive, sensitive and vibrant with inspiration. We all intertwine in this creative life, creating this beautiful sisterhood.

  It’s because of this that I believe in the power of telling our stories- the stories of how we muster up our courage to leap, fly and breathe our way into our dreams.  This is how we share from one another.  How we inspire one another. How we begin to finally see the potential and possibilities that live inside our hearts.

Sassay isn’t just my story.  It’s my conversation with you as we travel together on this journey into our daily lives.  Of course, taking flight isn’t exactly a step-by-step process-sooner or later, you just need to take a deep breath and spread your wings. This we will do together holding hands.

Sassay inspired me, to simply begin and start something beautiful. The world won’t wait for you to decide you are brilliant. Get up !  Indulge in a good giggle and finding the sacred in the ordinary, with me.  

You’re a woman with heart. With stories.  With talent that inspires.

 Sassay brings you…other gifted souls, amazing gifts, purpose to fill your passions and a sisterhood of all ages that helps you switch gears in reinventing yourself.

. We connect the hand~ to the mind ~ to the heart ~ to our sister.  Don’t let your life or a perfect gift, pass you by !

 Join me in my writings my friend. 

   Ali Johnson